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Gym made by lifters for lifters.

Stand out from the rest and join the best lifting community in Slovenia!

Are you tired of crowds, poor equipment, and binding contracts of commercial gyms...

Or perhaps the strange looks, comments, and interactions with fellow gym-goers...

And the worst, the threatening comments from staff about using chalk for your hands, dropping deadlifts, etc.?

So were we, which is why we decided we wanted to create something different.

A gym where the use of chalk and baby powder is not only allowed but encouraged!

A space with top-quality equipment from brands like Eleiko, Rogue, and Strength Shop, enabling those with serious fitness goals to turn them into reality.

And most importantly, a space where there's a motivating community that encourages and supports each other, and where workouts are not just an obligation but relaxation and fun.

Introducing Phoenix Barbell Club.

Why Is Phoenix Barbell Club Unique?

Gym Equipment

In creating the gym, our top priority was to provide top-notch equipment for all Powerlifters and Powerbuilders.

That's why at Phoenix Barbell Club you'll find:

  • 4 combo racks from Eleiko and Strength Shop
  • 6 power bars from Eleiko, Rogue, and ATX brands
  • And over 1500 kg of Rogue calibrated plates!

Access to competitive equipment is crucial in powerlifting to ensure that nothing surprises you during competitions.

However, we haven't forgotten about bodybuilding and assistance exercises, as we understand how important they are for muscle mass and long-term progress.

So, in addition to approximately 50m2 of weightlifting space, you'll also find approximately 130m2 of space for assistance exercises, including:

  • DBs up to 50+ kg
  • Cable Tower with Lat Pulldown, Cable Row, and adjustable pulley
  • Belt Squat machine from Strength Shop
  • Chest Press from Sokol Gym
  • Leg Extension & Leg Curl combo
  • and much more...


Meet The Team!

We are Žan, Nejc, and Matic, and many of you know us as the founders of the coaching company Phoenix Training Systems.

We are coaches, lifters, and enthusiasts of strength sports, and our eternal desire has always been to have our own gym, which has become a reality with Phoenix Barbell Club.

We have visited countless gyms, we know what makes a gym good and what makes it bad, and our goal is to create the best gym in Slovenia and provide every person who walks through the door with a training experience they have never felt before.

Opening Time

5:00 - 24:00     Year Round*
*Exceptions are only for special events or construction works, of which members will always be notified in advance.
The gym operates without a reception; entry is through the app, so prior booking is required for the first visit.


Na podlagi 23 ocen
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Erik KodričErik Kodrič
13:41 01 May 24
Top fitnes, vse kar rabiš in še več
Žan RednakŽan Rednak
18:03 11 Apr 24
Odličen gym z vrhunsko opremo, zelo kvalitetnimi platformami ter odličnim vzdušjem! Ta gym ima čisto vse za tekmovalnega powerlifter-ja ali nekoga, ki se želi spraviti v boljšo telesno formo. 10/10 would recommend.
BLz_kaplan 12BLz_kaplan 12
17:47 09 Apr 24
zelo lep fitnes in odlično uzdušje
Nuša BalenNuša Balen
12:36 03 Apr 24
Najboljši powerlifting gym v Ljubljani z vrhunsko Rogue in Eleiko opremo (2 tekmovalna Eleiko combo racka, 2 Strength Shop combo racka, Rogue kalibrirane tekmovalne uteži, 2 deadlift platformi, 5 Rogue Texas palic in 1 tekmovalna Eleiko palica).V gymu je vedno dobro vzdušje, lahko se povežeš na zvočnik in poslušaš svojo glasbo.V zgornjem nadstropju je del za asistenco s fitnes napravami, ročkami, nastavljivim benchom, squat rackom in kardio napravami.10/10 powerlifting gym 🙌
Jan SodjaJan Sodja
08:28 21 Mar 24
Eden izmed redkih gymov k ma več benchov kot kardio naprav
Tjaša VagajaTjaša Vagaja
21:43 10 Mar 24
Fajn ljudje, fajn vzdušje, vrhunska oprema. Kaj češ boljšega? Definitivno najboljši powerlifting gym v Ljubljani/Sloveniji!

Price List

Service Price
Enrolment 20 €
Day pass 20 €
Week pass 31 €
Month pass 58 €
3-month pass 159 € (53 €/month)
Annual pass 588 € (49 €/month)
1 year membership 49 €/month
Introductory 1-on-1 powerlifting training 30 €
PBC T-Shirt 25 €
On applying for a membership or purchasing a visit package, an enrollment fee is charged for the first time, which includes a PBC T-Shirt.
The pass is not transferable to another month or person.
The annual pass includes one month freeze upon prior notice at least 7 days in advance via email.

Secure Your Free First Consultation Now!

The first consultation is completely free and without obligation.